Church Apathy About Divorce
Why are modern Christians so delighted with current divorce rates?
There is an article from the Christian Post making the rounds which has modern Christians giddy: Author Debunks Myths About Divorce Rates, Including of Churchgoers. The article and the book… read more
How Christians can take credit for Game.
In a recent exchange at Zippy Catholic, Alte and Elspeth discussed the controversy over teaching Christian husbands “Game” (emphasis mine): Elspeth: When my husband “negs” me, or any of the… read more
Child support and the threat point.
In the discussion of a recent post the history of the term “threat point” came up. While I’ve used the term and explained how the family courts are being deliberately… read more
As expected.
Several commenters have expressed disbelief at my prediction that we will see a (generally low key) movement to curtail the worst abuses of the family court. Honestly this isn’t a… read more
Soothing words for the unrepentant baby mama.
Christian mommyblogger Jenny Erikson is furious that her pastor first ruined the surprise she had in store for her husband and then called her out on her sin, but she is understandably… read more
Advice from an expert (on failing as a husband).
Be afraid, be very afraid. This is the advice to husbands from modern Christian leaders. Where the Bible stresses headship and that our marriage vows bind us for life, the… read more
She was used!
Right in line with my last post, tabloid magazine In Touch and the Christian Post decry Kanye West’s failure to marry two time divorcée and soon to be baby mama… read more
The morality of marriage 2.0
I commit to you! Now I commit to you! Now I commit to you! “Clue” on Yahoo Answers asks: Is it considered cheating if I divorce my husband to date… read more
Lowering the boom, a testimonial.
Previously I shared Joel and Kathy Davisson’s message that a wife who is unhappy has an obligation to God to lower the boom and crush her husband with the family court. … read more
The Book of Oprah
Note: This post contains Fireproof plot spoilers. Previously I’ve written that most churches speak like Christ and act like Oprah when it comes to divorce. The reality is even worse… read more
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