Church Apathy About Divorce
Reframing Christian marriage part 4: judging the performance.
Christian wives have been taught to see their role in biblical marriage primarily as a judge of their husband’s obligation to love them as Christ loved the church. This is… read more
Reframing Christian marriage
Modern Christians have radically reframed marriage from the way the Bible does. Where the Bible shows the husband in headship and the wife as submissive, modern Christians have turned this… read more
Godly unashamed unwed mothers.
The contrast between how modern Christians treat good faithful fathers and unrepentant unwed mothers is truly astounding. For the latest installment of this, I offer you the CBN.com (Christian Broadcasting… read more
Texas U.S. Senate candidate is proud to have been raised by one of Stanton’s heroes!
I was in the car this afternoon and heard an ad for US Senate Candidate Tom Leppert. What struck me was this part: Raised by a single mom and self-made… read more
When discussing the topic of changes in divorce law we typically talk about divorce theft and how this causes men to be understandably hesitant to marry, as well as the… read more
What, Me Worry?
As I mentioned yesterday Darwin Catholic (DC or Mr. Darwin for brevity moving forward) has a post up titled How To Marry a Nice Girl in response to my post… read more
Special thanks to Chris and Laura G. Robins
I have been remiss since my return in not thanking Chris (Dark Brightness) and Laura G. Robins (Full of Grace, Seasoned with Salt) for creating threads on their own blogs… read more
Christians washing their hands of sexual morality.
Commenter Drew was kind enough to propose that his church measure divorce, and reported back when he found himself at an impasse (emphasis mine): I suggested tracking the divorce rate… read more
The women at Christianforums are outraged!
You may recall the Christian forum I linked to in my post From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage. They are outraged that their private conversation on the… read more
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