Church Apathy About Divorce
Why so many wives wish their husbands would cheat.
A number of readers have pointed out the article on Huffington Post: I Just Wish He Would Have An Affair! Click the link for the full post, but in a… read more
From cornerstone to stepping stone; the mainstream Christian view of marriage.
empathologicalism suggested that during my limited blogging time I consider posting on several old threads he linked to on Christianforums.com. I took a quick look at one of them (Is… read more
Stanton’s Heroes
For those not already familiar with Glenn Stanton, he is the Director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family. He writes with great pride about the 38% divorce… read more
A case for anger.
In my last post Do not be alarmed some commenters pointed out that Ms. Duffy isn’t just dismissing the concerns of men in the manosphere because she felt men were to… read more
Will the real Sheila Gregoire Please Stand Up?
I’ve always assumed Sheila Gregoire was a naive, sheltered housewife who didn’t really understand that our society and the church is in the final throes of a massive culture war. … read more
How should Christian men respond to slutty women? Marry them!
Commenter Bob asked the following on Badger’s A Reply To Cadence on Sex, Commitment and Spinning Plates: I just have to say, as a Christian man, I find it near impossible… read more
If Mark Driscoll weren’t so foolish he would be wise.
This at least seems to be the consensus amongst his defenders on my last post. While you ponder this, I’ll offer some more Mark Driscoll gold courtesy of Relevant magazine: … read more
Mark Driscoll’s feminist foolishness posing as Christian wisdom.
Several readers have asked that I share my perspective on Pastor Mark Driscoll’s recent Washington Post piece Why men need marriage. Driscoll opens his contribution to the man up and… read more
Husbands, submit yourselves to your wives
In one of the early scenes of Fireproof we witness the first of two marital fights which sets up the primary conflict of the movie. Much has been made about… read more
Shattering the forcefield of denial
Is she holding a plunger? One of my readers was kind enough to link to my post on Fireproof on a Christian forum thread where the movie is being discussed. … read more
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