Church Apathy About Divorce
A LTR is not a mini marriage.
As I have mentioned before, the term Long Term Relationship is profoundly misleading in that there is no commitment and no term. While it is theoretically possible that a couple… read more
Greasing the marriage rope.
Professor Hale wrote a post a while back titled Saving Marriage: Grease the Rope. In that post he makes a compelling case for withdrawing support from an addict: I once… read more
Misery and vice.
Thomas Robert Malthus is arguably the most misunderstood economist/philosopher of all time. His name today is synonymous with the antithesis of the point he was actually making; Malthus was not… read more
Christian marriage only experiences catastrophic failure 38% of the time!
Actually they had to cherry pick to get the number so good (H/T Kate): The various findings on religion and divorce hinge on what kind of Christians are being discussed…. read more
Intermediate guide to selling divorce; overcoming women’s better judgment.
In this course we will cover how to overcome the most common concerns women have about divorce, as defined in the previous course. Objection #1: They will likely lose the… read more
A Beginners Guide to Selling Divorce.
If you’re reading this, I assume you are or want to be in the difficult business of marketing divorce. This is a beginners guide, but some of you veterans out… read more
Are men morally obligated to marry?
Ferdinand Bardamu has a post titled Ehe macht frei: why Laura Wood and other conservatives and traditionalists just don’t get it where he takes strong issue with conservatives shaming men… read more
List of churches which have taken concrete action on divorce.
In my post back in September on divorce and the impact it has on children I promised to create a separate post to acknowledge those churches which had made solid… read more
Why do you care?
Grerp has a powerful post up titled Thoughts on The Fourth Turning, part 2: Gen X’s childhood where she describes how the social changes ushered in by previous generations impacted… read more
To thine own self be true
Perhaps feminists’ favorite moral admonishment to women and girls is Be True to Yourself. Solomon II touched on this in his post Drive Thru Boyfriends: She does the same thing… read more
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