The thought of holding hands with him made her sick, but fortunately he convinced her to marry him.
In Chapter 20 of Every Man’s Marriage, Stephen Arterburn explains that when he was dating his wife Sandy she found the idea of holding his hand revolting: When Sandy and I were… read more
He was like a little boy that night.
Christian sex experts Pastor Dave and Ann Wilson inadvertently explain how to kill your wife’s attraction in The Art of Marriage: Dave: On May 24, 1990, it was our ten-year… read more
In the discussion of What is closeness? I pointed out that the Sensitive Elliot clip does an excellent job of showing that what we culturally think of as “sensitive” really… read more
What is closeness?
Much of the objection to my last post stems from a misunderstanding of what constitutes closeness between a husband and wife. What closeness is Cane’s description of the laugh he… read more
How much should a husband share with his wife?
New commenter ayatollah1988 asked how much a husband should turn to his wife for emotional support: Dalrock, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this. I’ve heard it talked… read more
What if a wife doesn’t regulate the couple’s sex life?
In the discussion of the last post Spacetraveller asks: Is there never a ‘saturation point’ where …um…marital relations are concerned? Whilst I totally ‘get’ that a man has earned the… read more
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