An educated guess.
Commenter Anonymous Reader ponders the response of prominent Complementarians to the case of social workers lying in court to take a woman’s children away: I wonder what the usual tradcon… read more
The unexpected challenge to modern Christian orthodoxy.
There is very often an honesty in secular media that is striking when compared with modern Christian teaching. Rare News reports on the ladies at the view discussing wives withholding… read more
Dr. Russell Moore: Wives don’t sin (part 2)
2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 3 The husband should give to his wife… read more
A big win for Grudem.
The Atlantic has a new article out on a change the ESV is making in their translation of Gen 3:16. From Rewriting the Biblical ‘Curse’ on Womankind: Whereas the first half… read more
God’s Drill Instructors (language warning)
Conservative Christians are facing a masculinity crisis. The traditional/biblical roles of men are no longer palatable in our feminist era. Yet part of being conservative/complementarian means stressing the difference between… read more
Four legs good, two legs better.
Slate XX has a piece up explaining that women like Beth Moore are much more of a force in driving conservative evangelical opinion on politics than outsiders would likely suspect. … read more
Reworking Malachi 2:16 for our feminist era (part 2).
In part one of this series I explained how Malachi 2:16 is being reworked from a condemnation of divorce theft to justification for divorce theft. Thus Joel and Kathy Davisson… read more
Hierarchy equals abuse.
As I’ve explained most recently in All roads lead to Duluth, the Duluth model has become by far the dominant paradigm for viewing domestic violence. This is essential to understand… read more
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