Did John G. Trump Inspire The Space Force From Examining Nikola Tesla’s Secret Work?
What sort of new technologies was President Trump referring to when he proclaimed in his inaugural address that we’re “at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the… read more
How The Elites Are Using Radical Islam To Subvert And Destroy Western Civilization
While touring Washington, D.C., I saw a wrinkly old geezer with frizzy hair and thick glasses leaving a posh nightclub for the wealthiest of the wealthy. While getting into a… read more
5 Reasons Why We Believe in Conspiracy Theories
Flat-earthers are dumb, but not as dumb as the guy who argues against flat-earthers using only facts. No one believes in conspiracy theories, much less anything else, because of facts…. read more
Is The US Government Planning A Fake Alien Invasion?
As utterly insane as it sounds, it seems possible that the US Government is preparing to try to convince the world that there is an alien invasion about to happen,… read more
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