Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
A big win for Grudem.
The Atlantic has a new article out on a change the ESV is making in their translation of Gen 3:16. From Rewriting the Biblical ‘Curse’ on Womankind: Whereas the first half… read more
Why there is a controversy about women teaching/preaching Scripture and doctrine.
Commenter Amy Wilson asked in response to Four legs good, two legs better: I am also very concerned about the slippery slope we see of feminist redefining of the plain… read more
Four legs good, two legs better.
Slate XX has a piece up explaining that women like Beth Moore are much more of a force in driving conservative evangelical opinion on politics than outsiders would likely suspect. … read more
Guarding her equality.
As I’ve demonstrated (here and here), an underpinning belief of complementarianism is that the source of feminist resentment is sinful men, men who are not sufficiently nice and accommodating. As… read more
The root of the problem.
I stumbled across an old CBMW newsletter from 1995 (the year after VAWA was passed), and like the founding statement the influence of the Duluth model on complementarian thinking is… read more
Who is she teaching?
A few days ago CBMW Women’s Studies professor Mary Kassian published a new post titled Does a Husband have the Authority?* The post follows the Duluth model framing headship as… read more
Kierkegaard on Christian scholarship.
Escoffier posted this quote from Kierkegaard yesterday in the discussion of Vox’s riff on my CBMW post: The matter is quite simple. The Bible is very easy to understand. But… read more
CBMW’s evolving position on spiritual headship.
From the beginning complementarianism has been an effort to split the difference with Christian feminists (egalitarians). This comes naturally from their belief that feminism isn’t a manifestation of the same… read more
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