Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Why won’t the cisgendered serve?
As the CBMW has explained, the reason we opened combat roles up to women is because cowardly men were forcing women to serve in their place. Given today’s announcement by… read more
Comment of the month.
I haven’t done this before, but Opus’ comment on the 18th deserves recognition: Somehow (and as at best a sceptic) I find it very hard to think that Christianity just… read more
Red Herring
In 5 Key Ways to Cultivating Biblical Manhood in Your Church Dr. Allen writes: Fifth, as preachers, we must intentionally enlist, equip, and empower men into leadership roles in our… read more
Don’t tell women no.
Recently Zippy Catholic noted how shocking it was to see how vehemently the pro life movement opposes holding women accountable, or even discussing the idea of holding women accountable: …just… read more
The ultimate affront to cartoonish chivalry.
It is bad enough that we force women to join and even lead our military in the real world, but this has gone too far: read more
A funny thing happened on the way to the matriarchy.
In The decline of America is not an accident Vox Day quotes Mallory Millet on a communist call and respond chant Millet participated in back in 1969: “How do we… read more
Complementarian marriage: Egalitarian marriage with a veneer of headship.
In order to understand complementarian marriage, you have to start by tossing out everything the Bible says about marriage roles and begin with a foundation of egalitarian marriage. Then add… read more
Sarah was a doormat by Complementarian standards, as are her daughters.
At the core of Dr. Wayne Grudem’s theology of marriage is a table he frequently uses to describe the sins of husbands and wives: Aside from the implicit claim that… read more
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