Courtly Love
Pictures of chivalry.
Rollo and Fabius Maximus both have new posts up with disturbing images. Check out Rollo’s post Unconscious Contempt, and Fabius Maximus’ post Women are driving America into the future. As… read more
You say Jesus, they think Lancelot.
Commenter Robert gives an example of how modern Christians can’t conceive of Christianity separate from what we call chivalry (courtly love): I’m not clued up on chivalry, but Jesus loving… read more
Confusing history with literature.
One of Vox Day’s readers argued: As Dalrock has explained, all that cultural bomb-throwers have to do is to borrow from the Satanic inversion that is chivalry, that puts women… read more
Chivalry is the word that expresses that ideal.
One of the frequent criticisms I’ve received with my writing on chivalry is that I’m using the term incorrectly. The argument is that chivalry is merely a code of martial… read more
An earnest defense of John MacArthur’s chivalry.
French poets, in the eleventh century, discovered or invented, or were the first to express, that romantic species of passion which English poets were still writing about in the nineteenth…. read more
Solomon as Lancelot: Song of Solomon viewed through the lens of chivalry/courtly love.
I stumbled upon a tragically funny post that contorts Song of Solomon into the form of the religion created to mock Christianity, courtly love (what we call chivalry). The post… read more
Doing as they were taught.
At Fabius Maximus commenter J Allen described the pathetic men he observes in the local grocery store: The other group were men who were following their wives (this group had… read more
Stripmining can be dangerous.
From She thought she had a date. Then he suggested going to a spa As it turned out, Alan was a sales agent, employed by a company to beguile unsuspecting… read more
I’m with Wade Burleson on this one.
Egalitarian pastor Wade Burleson anticipates that the SBC will capitulate on the topic of women preaching: Within a decade or two, what I say the authoritative Scriptures teach about gender… read more
Hondo had game.
I’m sure I’m not the first in the sphere to note this, but I watched the old 1953 John Wayne movie on Amazon Prime the other day and was impressed… read more
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