Courtly Love
The day chivalry killed chivalry.
Back in January of 2016, Mr. Gabe Jones of Those Catholic Men declared in Women Don’t Deserve Combat that chivalry died on Dec 3, 2015: December 3, 2015 ought to be remembered… read more
He knelt like a true gentleman.
Pulpit & Pen writes in Beth Moore Has Man Get on His Knees, Apologize on Behalf of All Men (emphasis mine): Moore started her career as a teacher for women,… read more
How chivalry (and mamma’s boys) brought us women’s suffrage and feminism.
On the Moral Superiority of Women explains how suffragists turned traditional conservatives’ chivalrous arguments against them. Chivalry/courtly love teaches that women are the source of manners and morality, and that… read more
If Christianity isn’t feminism and courtly love, what is it?
New commenter Tim asks: I’ve come to really enjoy your writing since I first found it about six months ago. I appreciate how you’ve expanded my thinking on many issues…. read more
Kids these days
Several readers pointed out the anachronism in the Stanton quote I included in my last post: Ask any young woman how she vets all the nice young men who approach… read more
When “traditional” means socially awkward.
As I’ve covered in recent posts*, Focus on the Family (FotF) teaches that in order for men and women to marry men must first approach women and boldly state their… read more
Returning to a past that never was.
The problem with conservationism is that it isn’t rooted in anything real, anything solid. This leaves conservatives grasping for anything they can claim as “traditional” in opposition to the current… read more
The wages of wooing.
In my last post I offered an example of alpha widowhood. Marrying such a woman represents a real danger for men, and the risk of this is greatly increased by… read more
*Real men* confess their love to the gas station attendant.
Cane Caldo notes: The rebuttals here are hilarious, and fall into two camps. 1. To some people the idea of “man pursues, woman responds” is so important to the arguer… read more
A challenge to traditionalists.
Commenter thedeti wrote in response to A shortage doesn’t indicate a buyer’s market. I seem to remember Cane Caldo saying something like this. I had Cane’s comments in mind when I wrote… read more
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