Courtly Love
Did an orphan girl from an exiled people dream of one day becoming queen of all Persia?
8 When the king’s order and edict had been proclaimed, many young women were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of Hegai. Esther also was taken to… read more
A shortage doesn’t indicate a buyer’s market.
One comment I see from fathers with surprising regularity is that their unmarried daughter is in a great position to find a husband because she’s not remotely interested in the… read more
Do you smell that?
In The Death of Christian Britain Callum Brown explains that the evangelical narrative in Britain in from the 1800s until the collapse in the 1960s was that if a woman’s husband was… read more
How Lancelot vanquished British Christianity.
In The Death of Christian Britain Callum Brown argues that contrary to the accepted narrative Christianity did not steadily decline in Britain as a result of urbanization and industrialization, but instead suddenly… read more
The moral of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Tucson Traditionalist objects to me including the tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with the tradition of courtly love: It’s a mistake to cite the case of Gawain… read more
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
When I first started blogging one regular criticism I received from traditional conservatives (especially when writing about Game) was that I was killing chivalry. For the most part I disregarded… read more
The love of a virtuous pagan woman tames the beast inside.
The idea that women are inherently virtuous, and that men need women to sanctify them is deeply ingrained. You won’t find either of these concepts in Scripture, but even commenters… read more
The magic in the girdle.
In my previous post I summarized the The Golden Legend version of St. George and the dragon but did not quote the original. This created some confusion since it wasn’t entirely… read more
St George and the dragon.
9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,… read more
St. Jerome, the Puritan.
In his post Obeying Your Double Helix Pastor Doug Wilson recommends the book The Worldly Saints by Leland Ryken. This is a book I read when I originally wrote about Courtly Love back… read more
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