Courtly Love
Chivalry and biblical marriage can’t coexist.
Swanny River asks in response to Blinded by Chivalry: Can someone explain to me what is meant by a marriage depending upon the free will of the married means? Is… read more
Blinded by chivalry.
Commenter 7817 asks: Dalrock, have you read Wilson’s post from last year where he says that one of the beautiful things the puritans did was to enshrine Chivalry in marriage?… read more
Wilson, Lewis, and Pseudo-Christian Pedestalization Game
As I mentioned in my previous post, Pastor Doug Wilson’s reply to critics of his 21 Theses on Submission in Marriage is titled: And Now a Brief Word for the… read more
Cucked by Courtly Love.
Cuckoo’s are diabolical parasites. The video below shows what happens after a cuckoo egg is laid in a Warbler’s nest. The cuckoo chick ejects the real offspring so it… read more
Was it true love?
I pointed out a few weeks ago that the concept of courtly love has thoroughly changed how we read stories like Gen 29 in the Bible. Where the Bible describes… read more
LARPing Lancelot
When researching my recent posts I came across a 2013 blog post by “Word Warrior” Barry Jacobsen titled CHIVALRY IS DEAD, LADIES: AND IT’S (PARTIALLY) YOUR FAULT! Jacobsen took the… read more
An eyewitness account of WACF.
By way of Encyclopedia Titanica, the words of Titanic survivor Mrs. Emil Taussig as reported by the New York Times on April 22nd 1912: “Only twenty women were near the… read more
Lancelot and the gruesome demand for the Full Titanic Experience.
Five years ago this January the cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground at 11:45 PM with 4,252 souls on board. The engine compartments were quickly flooded, and the ship eventually… read more
Is Gen. 29 a modern love story?
Note: This began as a discussion in the comments section of Riding to Lancelot’s rescue, but it seems worthy of making into a quick post. Commenter Kevin asks: I agree… read more
Ovid Game tip: Don’t visit her on her birthday.
In The Allegory of Love C.S. Lewis explains that because the concept of courtly love has fully transformed our view of sexual passion, we misread prior works as if they… read more
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