Crossdressing Theology
How to tell if you are a godly man.
Sunshine Thiry decided to test to see if it is true that when complementarians say “listen to your wife” what they mean is “do what she says”. Is it true that… read more
Not listening.
A few readers have challenged my observation that when complementarians say husbands are guilty of “not listening” to their wives what they mean is husbands aren’t doing what the wife… read more
Naghmeh used a modern Christian buzzword when explaining why she went to the family courts: In very difficult situations sometimes you have to establish boundaries while you work toward healing…. read more
Servant leaders mind their own business.
Complementarian/CBMW Women’s Studies professor Mary Kassian explains that an essential quality of a servant leader is to mind his own business in 7 Misconceptions about Submission (archive): A husband does… read more
Relishing sin
2 But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: 2 that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience;… read more
Twisted Scripture.
Nearly all of the instruction to husbands and wives in the New Testament tends to make modern Christians very uncomfortable. There is for example a cottage industry to explain away… read more
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