3 Hypocrisies The Porn Industry Uses To Pretend They Are Moral
Porn is now an accepted feature of life in the digital age. It’s nearly impossible that it wouldn’t be. Everyone has cell phones and every cell phone acts like a… read more
Did Prince Harry Make The Right Choice By Marrying Meghan Markle?
British royal weddings are deeply imbued with tradition. There are reasons. Choices of spouses have consequences, and the Tudor dynasty was an exemplary case study. But since absolutist monarchy became… read more
Middle-Aged Women From Sweden Pay To Have Sex With Young Male Migrants
The manosphere has, for some time, speculated in regard to females penchant for male migrants and what the causes for this kind of seemingly preposterous pattern of behavior are. Roosh… read more
Social Justice Writer Angela Nagle Plagiarized Wikipedia To Attack The Manosphere
“Author” and attention-seeking SJW Angela Nagle has been caught plagiarizing Wikipedia and Rational Wiki in her book Kill All Normies, including stealing parts of Roosh’s Wikipedia page. Nagle’s rambling tome, which… read more
I Served My Country In Iraq To Return To A False Rape Accusation And Jail Time
Axioms that seem to have permeated our civilization for the better part of recorded history have been: (1) men are rational (e.g. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), while (2) women are emotional… read more
It’s A Myth That Crack Cocaine Punishments Were Created By Whites To Punish Blacks
So if you haven’t noticed recently, mainstream black commentators are in a bit of a huff about body cameras being put on police—the thing that they had been previously requesting…. read more
Hollywood Movie “Show Dogs” Has A Disturbing Scene That Grooms Little Children To Accept Sexual Abuse
Via Macaroni Kid: We took the family to see the new movie, Show Dogs, last week at an advance screening. The premise is great for a kids movie. Max is… read more
4 Country Songs That Are Incredibly Beta
I was a country music fan in the 90’s. I would sit in my dad’s truck and listen to the local country station non-stop. There was an occasion that the… read more
Homosexual “Bugchasers” Actively Seek HIV Infection
Since the 1990s, the mass media and liberal opinion have refused to portray the GLBT community as anything but wonderful. Unfortunately, writing a moral blank check has consequences. Overwrought compassion… read more
Israeli Social Justice Monster Wins This Year’s Eurovision Contest
After a numbing three-course meal, in tandem with family members and relatives, I felt lethargic enough to lay down on a big couch and watch the current year’s version of… read more
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