British Army Instructor Faces Court Martial For Making A Female Recruit Cry
An instructor of the British army may be court martialed after he was filmed yelling at a female recruit during a bayonet course and the video was uploaded on the… read more
How To Fix The Storylines Of Film And Television
In a world with little real-life drama and much free time, most people are more influenced by TV and Netflix than they are by their friends. Unfortunately, the world they… read more
Counterpart Suggests That It’s Never Too Late For An Old Man To Transform From Beta To Alpha
In my recent article on the movie “The Bachelors”, one of the comments (@Skeptic) suggested to provide an article for the TV series Counterpart. After watching the first season, I… read more
Liberals Do Not Know Themselves
The question sounds abstract and cliché at first: do we have free will? If you look at the academic side of the question, what you will see is a long… read more
Men Who Have A Secret Second Family Can Come Clean In A Very Modern Way
The following article is sponsored by Principle Casting. If there’s anything the modern age has taught us, it’s that there isn’t a problem that can’t be tackled by reality television. … read more
Leftist Scholars Are Trying To Claim That The Vikings Were Muslim
The colorful history of Britain is one that is greatly enriched by the exploits of the various tribes who have made this island their home over the ages. We think,… read more
Self-Driving Cars Will Destroy Human Freedom
The newest tech trend in Silicon Valley is automated cars. All the big sharks from Silicon Valley are competing between each other in a race where the winner will pioneer… read more
Gender-Altering Chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) Is Turning More Than Just Frogs Gay
BPA (Bisphenol A) is a cancer-causing chemical in plastics commonly found in water bottles, containers, and in receipts. The University of Exeter tested the urine of 94 teenagers and 86%… read more
The Boy Scouts Is Removing “Boy” From Its Name To Accommodate More Female Members
Via NY Post: For 108 years, the Boy Scouts of America’s flagship program has been known simply as the Boy Scouts. With girls soon entering the ranks, the group says… read more
Sex Has Become An Obsession
Have men always been as obsessed with sex as they are today? Was it thrust into their faces practically every single moment? I doubt it. Men of the past had… read more
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