Is Kanye West Saving American Conservatism?
Via Breitbart: Rap megastar Kanye West released a new song on Saturday sending what could be considered one of the boldest political statement’s in rap history — questioning black Americans’… read more
Twitter Is Suspending People Who Talk About Game Of Thrones Actress’s False Rape Accusation
Twitter has suspended dozens, if not hundreds of its users’ accounts for mentioning a notorious false rape accuser. Most of these tweets were around two years old. Unlike her victim,… read more
This Diet Coke Commercial Shows Everything That Is Wrong With Society And Women
Take a look at this Diet Coke commercial: I saw it before the previews of a movie last time I took my wife out on a date. The message in… read more
How Cosmopolitan Magazine Profited From Women’s Sexual Fantasies
The manosphere has been writing about women’s unrestrained sexual nature for years. If you include PUA material there’s more than a decade’s worth of writing. But that’s nothing compared to… read more
5 Reasons Why Generation X Is The Superior Generation
Childhood and young adulthood are allegedly the “best years of one’s life,” but I’m far more successful now. However, the party can’t go on forever. Eventually I’ll no longer be… read more
Starbucks Is Imploding Because Two Black Men Didn’t Want To Leave A Store
Poe’s law has been in action again: you can’t satirize the left without being taken seriously by them. Pranksters recently made hoax pictures mocking Starbucks’ pandering to leftist mobs after… read more
Tolerance: A Brief History Of A Leftist Bludgeon
The injunction to “be tolerant” have become scarce in the mainstream discourse. In the current year version of The Current Year, the very concept of tolerance seems a bit passé…. read more
4 Red Pill Lessons From The Movie “The Bachelors”
The movie sounds interesting, but oneitis is used to describe attachment with living women. Using that term for a dead wife comes across as heartless/callous. I went to the movie… read more
The Final Destination For A Liberated Woman Is Becoming A Prostitute
I was born and raised in the Netherlands. Although I did not live in Amsterdam, I was well aware of how the city looked thanks to the television. One show… read more
China’s Social Credit System Copies A Video Game To Enact Systemic Totalitarianism
Long ago, I remember playing a game called Final Fantasy 12. It was an role-playing game with great visuals, but one peculiar thing I noticed was a certain obstacle later… read more
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