Sweden Is Forcing Its Young Boys Into Homosexuality
Remember hearing your local preacher or priest talking about how the city of Sodom and its wicked people digged their own graves at Sunday School? Sweden in a not so… read more
We Live In A Deluded Society
I will give children to be their princes [rulers], and babes shall rule over them. The people will be oppressed, every one by another and every one by his neighbor;… read more
Experts Have The Years Wrong When It Comes To Baby Boomers, Generation X, And Millennials
Not long ago I remember seeing a report that millennials are having less sex than previous generations at the same age. According to the current generational timeline, I fall in… read more
How Journalists Became Whores
Journalists are supposed to follow a set of rules and values called deontology. These rules say journalists should strive to be impartial, objective, and to inform their readers. We know… read more
As A Father From Brooklyn, I Can No Longer Tolerate The Degeneracy Encircling My Family
In my youth I was much more tolerant of the gay and lesbian movement, but I think that is because I lived in a completely different world than what exists… read more
How To Enjoy Life In Clown World
We appear to be living in a clown world. Men are turning themselves into women, women are turning themselves into men, and brainwashed kids, god bless ‘em, don’t know what… read more
Canadian DJ Has His Life Ruined In 24 Hours After An Anonymous Rape Accusation Appeared On Twitter
The past year has proven to be a particularly damning one for allegations of sexual assault to surface against many high ranking members of society. Names such as James Franco,… read more
Scottish Man Convicted Of “Hate Crime” For Teaching An Ugly Pug How To Do Nazi Salutes
A YouTuber and comedian who taught a pug to perform the Hitler salute to annoy his girlfriend has been convicted of a “hate crime” by a Scottish court. Count Dankula, real… read more
The #MeToo Movement Has Ruined My Sex Life
First off—let me start by saying rape is bad—in any and all situations. There is a debate as to whether or not the #metoo movement is actually directly stopping any… read more
The Rise And Fall Of Eminem
I was ten years old when my father bought the Marshall Mathers LP. I sat in the passenger’s seat of my father’s black Nissan Altima as he inserted the CD… read more
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