Everything That Sucks About America Comes From Busybody Schoolmarms
On occasion, I feel the need to defend American history and culture from the constant, constant criticisms and mockeries and deconstructions it faces. You can read more about this here,… read more
Americans Continue To Get Fatter Than Ever
Sensible nutrition helps to stay fit, but with the increase in big multi-national corporations dominating the food industry with more small farmers going down under, obesity is now a worldwide… read more
The Death Of Britannia
I’ve lived in England for twenty-two years and observed its steady decline into a shivering basket case terrified of offensive language. Here are nine reasons to avoid the UK but… read more
The Ludicrous Idealization Of Female Action Heroes
Here’s a chicken or egg question for you: what came first, Hollywood’s decision to depict female action heroes that outclass their male counterparts or men’s inclination to believe women can… read more
English Actor Who Bent Over Backwards For The #MeToo Movement Gets Cucked By His Wife
Colin Firth, a stalwart of the #Metoo movement, has just been hung from his own gallows. His wife is revealed to have had an affair with the man who… wait… read more
9 Trends That Will Change The Western World As You Know It
The Western world is changing in irreparable ways. The period between World War II and September 2001 appears to be the tail end of a belle epoque that we will… read more
7 Reasons Why Boomers Are The Worst Generation Alive
Some weeks ago, I went to a relative’s wedding. There were many boomers, including close relatives of mine I had not met for years. Too many boomers in fact. All… read more
False Molestation Accusation Locks Up Brazilian Father For 13 Years
Western civilization is powerful, but as most powers, it is a double-edged sword. For the West has (very) often been generous, building and giving free stuff for people of all… read more
Cosmopolitanism Is Destroying The West
Globalists, liberals, progressives, feminists, leftists, no borders, pro-choice, LGBT activists, SJWs, political correctness, multiculturalism—all these terms relate to the same ideology: the cosmopolitanism. We must use and spread the right… read more
This Year’s Oscars Reveal That The Culture Wars Are About To Explode
Generally, I recommend that men try to unplug from mainstream culture as much as possible, but as a writer for ROK, I feel it is my responsibility to pay attention… read more
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