You Need To Start Meeting Women While Salsa Dancing
Average to hot women have it easy. Everywhere they go, men flock to them, offering to lift heavy things, buy them dinner, show them around town, laugh at their unfunny… read more
5 Ways We Can Prevent School Shootings
Since the days of the Columbine High School massacre, the school shooting has been a frequent fixture in the lives of the American people. Not a year goes by, it… read more
Why Western Women Have So Much Sexual Freedom
Western societies have a love/hate relationship with women’s sexual freedom. Men love that so many women and such a variety of women are open to casual hook-ups. We love the… read more
Is Alcohol Making You Less Of A Man?
A rite of passage has been the longstanding tradition to the footsteps of manhood in many cultures. Oftentimes, this rite involves a trial of will or endurance, usually resulting in… read more
There’s Nothing Wrong With Staring At A Woman’s Breasts
I happened to spot this patronizing piece of manure on Facebook recently: The world is full of bullshit and I rarely react to anything, but this happens to be something… read more
CNN: Watching Other Men Fuck Your Girlfriend Can Be Positive For Your Relationship
Much to the amusement and derision of those in the reactosphere, CNN recently did an article extolling the virtues of cuckoldry. More specifically, the article delineates that for some couples… read more
10 Things I Learned Working As A Male Domestic Violence Counselor
Not too long ago, I worked as a domestic violence counselor in Canada. I worked with thousands of victims and perpetrators relating to domestic violence. During that time, I helped a… read more
5 Ways Modern Colleges Have Become Left-Wing Indoctrination Factories
Academia has undergone a radical liberal makeover and is very different compared to even just a year ago. Just like when you enter a haunted house, you might feel a bad… read more
The Rise And Fall Of Vampire Cities
Historically, cities have been double-edged swords. They were trade nodes and centres of innovations, which allowed them to be culturally interesting, but they also were on the vanguard of degeneracy… read more
3 Steps To Save The American Family
The decline of Western civilization is a precarious topic. It already seems so definite that many have chosen to become MGTOW or take the black pill. Still others think that… read more
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