Satanism And Witchcraft Are Staging A Big Comeback
The election of Donald Trump has caused many people to lose their senses. We now have news anchors crying on the air, former conservatives siding against their own president, and… read more
4 Pieces Of Advice For Liberals Who Hate-Read Return Of Kings
As of late, Return of Kings has had some unwelcome pests infest the woodwork. The closing of the former comments system has paved the way for an influx of mentally… read more
4 American Rock Bands That Understand The True Nature Of Women
Contemporary rock music is not seldom suffering from politically correct and blue pill messages. Male bands with an emotional angle tend to either worship women or dwell in their supposed… read more
Japan Is Proof That Successful Pop Music Doesn’t Have To Be Degenerate
The current state of Western rock music is total disarray. Old guard and true-to-their-roots legends such as Tom Petty, Malcolm Young, and Lemmy Kilmister have all been dying in quick succession…. read more
Progress Does Not Exist
The blue-pill consciousness follows a Manichean narrative. One of the most important elements of the narrative is “progress.” It is something über-positive, associated to all kind of positive passions and… read more
Can The Millennial Generation Of Men Be Saved?
It is one of the tenets of red pill truth that millennials and their descendants are a lost cause because they are weak and effeminate pansies who are hedonistic, self… read more
London On The Tenth Day Of 2018
I sat in front of the computer screen and searched for “white people art.” The results were awash with the faces of Africans, some clutching white women close, others staring… read more
James Franco’s Sexual Harassment Accuser Is An Attention-Seeker Who Makes “Jokes” About Raping Children
One of James Franco’s sexual accusers, Violet Paley, has a history of claiming to be pregnant to get male attention, calling men “inferior,” discussing whether she wants to be raped… read more
Modern Movies Suck: A Tale Of The Two Total Recalls
Everyone knows modern movies generally suck. Everything is a remake, and a bad one at that. It seems that movie producers today don’t ask, “How can we make a great… read more
Google’s 2017 Highlights Commercial Declares War On Conservative America
By the third quarter of the 2018 Sugar Bowl featuring the Clemson Tigers vs. the Alabama Crimson Tide, one team had emerged as the clear victor. But while the action… read more
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