Dave Chappelle’s New Special Is Surprisingly Blue Pill
Netflix has recently released Dave Chappelle’s latest duet of stand up comedy: “Equanimity” and “The Bird Revelation,” featuring the extremely talented, diverse, and crossover comedian himself, Dave Chappelle. While the… read more
Our Degenerate Obsession With Porn Began With The 1972 Film Deep Throat
Deep Throat (1972) was the first “blue movie” to become a major blockbuster. This film—and Supreme Court decisions tinkering with the legal definition of obscenity—became a game changer for the porn… read more
Straight Men Will Soon Be Called Homophobic For Not Sleeping With Gays And Trannies
In 2017, straight men who refuse to date biological males dressed like women were shamed on a number of occasions for being “transphobic.” We should expect that at some stage,… read more
The Mainstream Embrace Of #MeToo Puts Us One Step Closer Towards The Enslavement Of Men
The progenitors of the #MeToo meme have been elevated to that dubious plinth of social endorsement, the cover of Time magazine. #Iwouldnt These women did not “launch a movement.” However, the current… read more
A Guide To Weimerica
“Weimerica,” an amalgam of Germany’s pre-Nazi era Weimar Republic, is a term you’ve probably heard in the past year if you’ve been active in the ongoing political maelstrom that is… read more
Vegetarian Feminist Professor Says Eating Meat Perpetuates Toxic Masculinity
Anne DeLessio-Parson, PhD, has been on Tucker Carlson and Jesse Waters recently where she argued that the consumption of animal products like steak and cheese both contribute to producing too… read more
American Man Signs Demanding Contract With Girlfriend To Receive Video Game For Christmas
Via Daily Mail: A young woman got her boyfriend the new Call of Duty game for Xbox – a very generous act indeed. However, this gift came with a special… read more
The Inglorious Death Of The West
We have obviously come to the end of the West and Western civilization as we know it. No longer does it take a sociological “expert” or someone with a university… read more
Psychologists State That Women Who Take Too Many Selfies Have “Selfitis” Mental Condition
Via Breitbart: Though the term “selfitis” was conceived in a 2014 parody article, two researchers “have looked at the term and have decided there could be some truth to it,” according to Business… read more
Black Woman Complains That “Racist” Charlie Rose Didn’t Sexually Harass Her
An ex-producer for fired television presenter Charlie Rose has complained that she was not “sexually harassed” by him due to “racism.” Currently, there is next to no evidence that Rose… read more
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