Japan Bans Chicks With Dicks
At the risk of breaking a personal journalistic rule of devoting far too much time to an incredibly miniscule and unimportant issue, I must draw attention to a recent win… read more
5 Qualities That Dying Empires Lack
Along with blue pill and global governance comes the Hollow Empire. We live in the golden age of marketing, public relationships, and propaganda. Many people are good at crafting appearances… read more
Pop Star (((Pink))) Decides To Ruin Daughter’s Life By Raising Her “Gender Neutral”
Via Breitbart: The singer, who is 38 and married to motorcycle racer Carey Hart, 42, told the U.K.’s The People she does not want her children defined by their gender…. read more
Migrants Commit An Astounding 82% Of Rapes In Sweden
A compilation of documents have been released by a subversive Swedish website and subsequently relayed by the aptly named GangRapeSweden.com, which details how between 2004 and 2014, 82% of the… read more
9 Lies You Have Been Told
There are plenty of politically correct lies out there, regarding culture, history, politics, and biology, of which many have been addressed here at ROK. Here I’ll provide my own take… read more
“Hate” Is A Perfectly Normal And Healthy Emotion
Of all the words that the alt-left / SJW’s have twisted around in recent years for their nefarious agendas, to the point of being radically different (i.e. given the 1984… read more
Miracle: Harvey Weinstein Cured Of Sex Addiction After Only One Week In Rehab
The common man’s experience of addiction recovery typically involves a twelve-step group, perhaps in a church basement or part of a forlorn low-rent office building. Strong coffee is ubiquitous, as… read more
16 Important Lessons From The Opening Scene Of Idiocracy
When asked what your favorite movie scene is most thinking people choose a moment from a subtle classic like a Stanley Kubrick movie, a timeless great like Casablanca, or a… read more
The Juggalo March Was Classier Than The Feminist Women’s March
A political march that took place this past year exhibited rampant obesity, vulgarity, freakish hair dyes and obscene costumes. Another was The Juggalo March. Although both The Women’s March and… read more
The Oxford Circus Panic On Black Friday Confirms The British Spirit Has Been Conquered
The British are among the most formidable people in Europe. Before the Great War they held the greatest Empire the world has ever seen. It was rightly said that the… read more
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