App That Digitally Removes Female Makeup From Photos Causes Massive Outrage
Via Information Liberation: A new makeup removing app named “MakeApp” from Russian developer Ashot Gabrelyanov is causing a triggering on levels never before seen. While it’s not perfect, there’s no… read more
The Black Pill
In this podcast, I examine the “black pill,” a frame of thinking that focuses on inaction and acceptance. After examining its core tenets, I describe the most common signs you… read more
7 Trends That Will Shape Your Future
If you are into futurology, you must have already noticed the existence of not one but two futurologies out there. One of them is the mainstream one. It is a mixture… read more
GQ Magazine Declares Unemployed Football Player Colin Kaepernick “Citizen Of The Year”
Via GQ: He’s been vilified by millions and locked out of the NFL—all because he took a knee to protest police brutality. But Colin Kaepernick’s determined stand puts him in… read more
Race Hoax: Black US Air Force Cadet Caught Writing Anti-Black Slurs On Dorm Doors
Via Breitbart: Air Force Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria was quick to react in September to allegations of racism at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. But… read more
Charlie Sheen Accused Of Having Sex With Then 13-Year-Old Corey Haim On Set Of Movie Lucas
Via The Daily Mail: Charlie Sheen is being accused of sodomizing a then 13-year-old Corey Haim on the set of the movie ‘Lucas.’ According to the National Enquirer, a now… read more
5 Ways Millennial Men Can Save The West
Every generation has some defining characteristics within which they see the world, and the role they played (or will play) in the theater of ideas that writes our history. First… read more
Switzerland Will Never Be Conquered In War
Switzerland is in a unique position in Europe. It is landlocked and borders three potential big players in an all-out war. Besides its neutrality, which would by no means guarantee… read more
Liberal Woman Fired From Government Job After Giving Middle Finger To Donald Trump’s Motorcade
Via BBC News: A woman pictured raising her middle finger toward US President Donald Trump’s motorcade has reportedly been fired from her job over the photograph. The image went viral… read more
New York Strippers Go On Strike Because They’re Not Getting Enough “Respect”
Via Zerohedge: Wealthy Wall Street finance types are going to need to find a new way to entertain their wealthy asset-management clients – at least for the time being –… read more
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