3 Vital Social Norms That Cultural Marxism Is Destroying
A harmonious and well-run society relies on the general acceptance of several social norms, a few of which I’ll describe. These were once uncontroversial; fairly instinctively, everyone understood them and… read more
The Nightmare Of Electronic Progress And Automated Processes
On Saturday, September 30, I went to the bank to withdraw some cash. It was the end of the month, when many people receive their wages and rush to the… read more
Famous Investor Marc Faber Goes Nuclear On Political Correctness
Via The Globe & Mail: Marc Faber, the markets prognosticator known as “Dr. Doom,” has resigned his board seats at Sprott Inc., Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. and NovaGold Resources Inc. on… read more
Top 5 Horror Movies Ever Made
The Halloween season is a great time to curl up with your girl to watch a horror movie. But there is nothing worse than watch a horror movie that turns… read more
Would You Bang New Zealand’s New SJW Prime Minister?
Here at Return Of Kings, we are very frank about the fact that men objectify women and vice versa. In the case of women, they are valued for their beauty and… read more
It’s Time To Bring Back The God Apollo To Our Lives
Return of Kings has taken an interest in Western civilization and looked into both history and spirituality, including Greco-Roman culture, which in spite of all its flaws and various (mis)interpretations, provides… read more
Men Have Started Taking Classes Run By Feminists To Unlearn Being Masculine
Via The Cut: For some time, Stephen Hicks had felt like something was off. “My relationship ended, then a lot of things started collapsing in front of me,” Hicks says…. read more
How The Sexual Inquisition Against Men Started
The British press have raised a slughorne to the manosphere: Why do so many false rape accusations come to court? A proper explanation requires us to butcher the most sacred… read more
Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal
With Donald Trump as president of the United States, it would seem as though traditional beliefs are making a comeback in the West. However, one only needs talk to the… read more
Russia Is Not As Good For Men As You Think
There is an interesting tendency that I personally see every day: many of my North American red pill colleagues and friends consider Russia as a symbol of masculinity, patriarchy, and… read more
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