Self-Hating White Mom Surprised To Find Out Her Daughter Hates Being White
Globe & Mail author Tama Ward has recently shared an article revealing how her five-year-old Canadian daughter Abigail feels guilt and shame for being white. At breakfast, in the glass-towered… read more
What We Can Learn From The Weinstein Scandal
If you want to see what a real polyamorous society is like, look no further than the case of Harvey Weinstein. The 65-year-old, once-mighty movie mogul represents a womanizer who,… read more
Playboy Magazine Features Its First Transsexual Playmate
Via Roosh V Forum: Hugh Hefner is rolling over in his grave. Looks like they waited for him to die to do this. "Being a woman is just being a… read more
4 Insane Feminist Gripes That Have Actually Caught On Among Western Women
After five decades of radical feminist demands and societal concessions, the quest continues for ever tinier things to gripe about. Many of these “microaggressions” hardly even qualify as First World… read more
Why Did Rose McGowan Attack Harvey Weinstein For Sexual Harassment But Defend A Pedophile Director?
Yeah, I still don’t really understand the whole story or history there, and I’d rather not, because it’s not really my business. But he’s an incredibly sweet and gentle man,… read more
The Steady Rise Of Homosexual Messages In Children’s And Adult Entertainment
On February 27, 2017, Disney’s XD channel made headlines for its first gay kiss in an episode of the children’s cartoon Star vs. the Forces of Evil. The Disney XD… read more
White Christian Couple Adopts Eight African Children At One Time
In a case of virtue signalling on steroids, an American Christian couple have adopted eight children from Sierra Leone in one go, adding to their existing biological family of two… read more
London Begins Decriminalizing Rape By Letting Hundreds Of Rapists Free With Only A Warning
Via Evening Standard: Hundreds of sex offenders, including rapists, are escaping with “a slap on the wrist” by simply being cautioned for their crimes, the Standard has learned. Figures obtained… read more
Hollywood Has Always Used The “Casting Couch” To Trade Sex For Fame
Scandals by celebrities always have been a common staple of media attention. Despite their wealth and fame, movie stars are essentially disposable, given the vast number of hopefuls who would sell… read more
Star Trek Discovery Is Social Justice At Warp Speed
After the groundbreaking Star Trek original series (TOS) was cancelled, the franchise went dormant. Afterwards, a film series began in which the even-numbered movies were good. Then it returned to… read more
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