Boy Scouts Will Allow Girls In Latest Effort To Destroy Male Spaces
Via LA Times: he Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday that it will admit girls into the Cub Scouts starting next year and establish a new program for older… read more
The Dissident Right Can’t Win Without Parallel Institutions
As the culture war drags on, many men ask me what they can do to improve the situation in their country outside of helping their tribe or spreading red pills… read more
New California Law Allows Jail Time If You Use Wrong Gender Pronoun On Tranny
Via Fox News: California health care workers who “willfully and repeatedly” decline to use a senior transgender patient’s “preferred name or pronouns” could face punishments ranging from a fine to… read more
“Model” Lets Boyfriend Of One Month Tattoo Her Eyeball, May Go Blind
Via Vice: It’s been four weeks since Catt Gallinger says her ex-boyfriend botched the procedure and she still doesn’t know just how bad the damage is. Even when Catt Gallinger’s… read more
Rich Women Who Promote Feminism Are Gigantic Hypocrites
While countless Americans, male and female, attempt to get by week-to-week with their insufficient pay checks, average women have been taught to–or shamed into–feeling happy for women with millions or… read more
It’s No Longer A Felony In California To Knowingly Infect Someone With HIV
Via LA Times: Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing… read more
Liberal Hollywood Had Decades To Expose Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Predation But Did Nothing
“It wasn’t a secret to the inner circle,” said Kathy DeClesis, Bob Weinstein’s assistant in the early 1990s. — The New York Times Covering countless topics from the benefits of… read more
7 Conversation Topics That Will Trigger A Boomercuck
Boomers were the most privileged generation in contemporary history. Born at the dawn of the Trente glorieuses, they knew nothing for decades but growth, cheap tuition, full employment, easy sex… read more
Body Modifications Are Getting Out Of Control
The human body is a work of art. However, since antiquity people have tampered with it. Sometimes it was for fashion, and sometimes to mark criminals and slaves. Today’s efforts… read more
Media Is Upset That Men Don’t Want To Sleep With Trannies And Other “Nonbinary” Freaks
A few months ago, Vice came out with an article, “Why Can’t My Famous Gender Nonconforming Friends Get Laid?” Like a rubbernecker passing by a gruesome auto accident, I couldn’t… read more
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