6 Signs That A Man Is A Cuckold
Wikipedia defines cuckold as… A husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are… read more
Can You Escape A Broken Society By Becoming A Hermit?
Many citizens feel deep down that something has gone terribly wrong with society, yet they can’t put the pieces together. Some might research this, and begin to explore the depths… read more
6 Reasons Why Frenchmen Have A Cowardly Reputation
The treacherous, lazy and cowardly French. We have all come across this cliche. It is time to understand what are the forces behind the creation of this unjust reputation and… read more
Sexbot Damaged And “Heavily Soiled” By Horny Men At Tech Conference
Via Breitbart: A display model version of Samantha, a popular high-tech sex robot, was damaged and “heavily soiled” by various men during a tech conference in Barcelona, Spain, this month,… read more
4 Words Liberals Use As Weapons To Destroy Western Society
A very bombastic yet very intelligent, sharp, and witty radio talk show host named Michael Savage refers to the left’s war on American values as an assault on our “borders,… read more
5 Old But Awesome Weapons That Have Not Been Made Obsolete
If there is anything that Hollywood has taught us with their relentless sequels, remakes, and feminazi updates of beloved classic films, newer does not necessarily equate to a superior product…. read more
This Ugly Woman Invented 15 False Rape Accusations Before Finally Being Jailed
Prosecutor Madeleine Moore told the court police spent 6,400 hours [38 straight weeks’ worth of manpower!] investigating Beale’s claims at a cost of at least £250,000, and the trial cost at least… read more
20 Passages From George Orwell’s 1984 That Have Become Reality
As the back cover of my cheap paperback copy of George Orwell’s masterpiece dictates… 1984 has come and gone, but George Orwell’s prophetic, nightmarish vision in 1949 of the world… read more
Why Western Governments Promote Women’s Liberation
To broach a delicate subject, I’d like you to cover the girl below with your hand and ask yourself which of these boys is the dominant male? This photo was… read more
3 Ways To Prepare For The Impending Economic Crash
While the media is hyping up the stock market, the real insiders know the truth: we are destined for an incredible economic collapse, the likes of which we’ve never seen… read more
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