How To Weaponize Your Mind, Body, And Spirit With “Of Tyrants & Tellers”
The following post was sponsored by Sonny Arvado – Strength By Sonny. Something is wrong but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Everywhere you look it seems as if… read more
What’s Next For The Alt Right?
After Charlottesville, the alt right finds itself in an odd position: it is falsely demonized by the media and the GOP as “Nazis,” it is disavowed by the alt lite,… read more
Why “Social Justice” Exists
According to the Cultural Marxists and Postmodernists, all of society’s “values” are mere instruments that the oppressors use to legitimize their power and pound their subjects into submission. Cultural Marxists… read more
4 Television Productions That Show How British Media Is “Blackwashing” History
The recent years have seen a sharp rise of the historical facts that the British media voluntarily distorts to depict them as more inclusive and politically correct. The recent outbursts… read more
Teenage Delinquent Who Can’t Speak English Properly Is About To Become A Millionaire
Society continues to reward and even cultivate girls of non-legal age who act like sluts and adore anti-social behaviors. You’ve already seen it on the streets or have had to… read more
Use This Totally Scientific Chart To Find Out How Racist You Are
A photo from what appears to be an academically based publication uses a sliding scale to determine your level of racism. The only way you can appear as non-racist is… read more
Feminist Move To Desexualize Breasts Could Allow Men To Squeeze Them With Impunity
Touching a woman’s breasts without her consent is a textbook example of sexual assault (if sufficiently proven in a court). Yet a growing number of feminists argue that both female… read more
What It Was Like To Attend A French Survival Training In Poland
Last month I was invited to review a weekend survival training conducted in English by the Hussard company in Poland for mostly French men. I’m neither French nor Polish, but… read more
Joss Whedon Pretended To Be A Male Feminist While Cheating On His Wife With Young Actresses
As Vox Day wrote in his book SJWs Always Lie, SJWs always project, and the extraordinary downfall of director and screenwriter Joss Whedon in the past week is the latest evidence of… read more
The Australian Military Is Enforcing A 70% Female Quota For New Recruits
First the SJWs came for the firefighter departments, then they came for the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy… Military recruiters in Australia are facing punishments from top brass… read more
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