9 Reasons Nazism Should Be Kept Out Of The Masculine Right
In the wake of the recent incidents in Charlottesville, where the whole right wing spectrum has taken a gigantic hit in credibility and sympathy due to the actions of a… read more
Does An American Spirit Really Exist?
Conservatives have from time to time upheld what they consider a distinctly American identity. The Founding Fathers with two capital Fs, the Constitution, an inalienable and unconditional set of “rights”,… read more
Swedish Museum Accelerates Their Cultural Collapse By Turning Viking Artifacts Into Scrap Metal
Following the revelations of one of its angry archaeologists, it emerges that the curators of Stockholms Länsmuseum have been ordering the systematic destruction of newly found artifacts from the Iron Age… read more
How The Decentralization of Power Structures Is Destroying The Globalist Elite
In my previous article, I wrote about how Bitcoin is destroying the global banking cartel. It’s a decentralized, peer to peer method of transaction that can be done anywhere in… read more
The Movie “Brooklyn” Is A Sound Case Study Of Female Hypergamy
Nominated for three Oscars, and winning a BAFTA Best Film award, the 2015 movie Brooklyn might appear to be typical mainstream garbage. On the contrary! There is, in fact, much… read more
Australian Fire Department’s Female Firefighter Quota Of 50% Will Get People Killed
Not satisfied with regular SJW-enabling and social engineering, Australia’s biggest fire department has implemented a 50% female hiring quota. Unfortunately for residents of New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state and… read more
Charlottesville Was A Disaster For The Dissident Right
I carefully followed the events from Charlottesville this past weekend that culminated with a declaration of emergency for the state of Virginia and the death of a liberal protester who… read more
4 Benefits That Minorities Enjoy While Living In “White Supremacist” Countries
All across the Western world, but most notably in the United States, we keep on hearing about how awful “white supremacy” is. Apparently, white people (and particularly white men) have… read more
Men Will Always Be Seen As Evil By Feminists
Debating feminists can be a trying affair. Their tendencies to use straw men fallacies, ad hominem attacks, emotionally-loaded but hollow rhetoric while constantly moving the goal posts is well known…. read more
Women Are Pathologically Addicted To Flaunting Their Bodies For Sexual Attention
In the age of the internet, women can’t stop exploiting themselves on the internet in ways that can be described as perverted or even pornographic. Lately we’re seeing new lows… read more
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