The Shocking Decline Of American Music
Every civilization is judge on what it produces for the world. One way of doing this is by listening to the kind of music a nation creates. The Western world… read more
New TV Series “Confederate” Will Be Used To Browbeat And Humiliate Southern Whites
The developers of the massively popular ‘Game Of Thrones’ TV series, (((D.B. Weiss))) and (((David Benioff))), have recently announced that their next television project will be an alternate history dystopia… read more
What I Learned About Women From Working As A High-Level Club DJ
For pickup artists, the nightclub is often times the most commonly used venue in their endeavors. In nearly every nightclub worldwide, you will find a DJ whose job it is… read more
The Amish Show Us What The West Could’ve Been
Three months ago, as I was walking by soccer fields in my local sports complex, I saw something that amazed me: two fields were being used by high-school aged Amish… read more
The Real European Union Is Based On Christendom
As someone who has written for various right-wing websites, I am only too aware of the deep need felt by white men across the West for an identity and community. … read more
5 Social Justice Rock Bands You Should Boycott
Popular music has long been a major outlet for disseminating degenerate SJW trash. While the godlike radio airplay and online viewership of the likes of Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Ariana… read more
ROK Writer Threatened With Violence After Expressing His Opinion About New Zealand Women
Assumed-to-be-retired Return of Kings author “Hamish Rangi“, who contributed two articles to the site in the middle of 2016, has been the latest target of social justice warrior witch hunts… read more
How The Half-Life Video Game Series Mirrors Our Current Reality
Since the release of its first opus, the Half-Life series has had an almost mythical aura. Sure, its gameplay was well-thought, its graphic engine quite advanced—but beyond that, the series… read more
5 Demented “Phobias” That The Left Is Ready To Unleash
As every person on the right knows, the left loves to control language. Whether it is through so-called “hate speech” legislation or political correctness, the left strives to dictate what… read more
The Barbarians Will Solve Your Sterile Existence
Why can’t the Muslims, Africans, and Indians be more civilized like people in the West? Why do they insist on endless breeding when their children have no chance of attending… read more
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