YouTube Blocks Conservative Views While Allowing Video That Teaches Children How To Use Dildos
After the detestable propaganda contained in the latest #MoreThanARefugee and #ProudToBe videos, which Youtube actively promoted, they are doubling down by not removing a video called Parents Explain Masturbation, which… read more
Game Of Thrones Is Successful Because It Reminds Us Of What We Lack
I’ve seen every episode of Game of Thrones. While immersed in the show’s dream of swords and breasts, my consciousness is mostly incapacitated, but periodically it jolts awake and I… read more
As A Coloured Man From South Africa, I Exist In The No Man’s Land Of Racial Identity
“Coloured” is an inherently ambiguous reference. TV has educated the world into believing that this word is antiquated and therefore racist reference to black Americans. But in other less litigious… read more
The Stupidest Things That Liberals Have Told Me
Liberals have been led astray by an ideology that just doesn’t work, and they haven’t seen through its many flawed premises. For some, enlightenment begins after they gain life experience…. read more
The Rules Of Engagement For Battling The Left
Ever since Laura Loomer rushed the stage of New York City’s rendition of Julius Caesar by the ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ theatre group, different factions of the political-right have been… read more
Blue Pill Losers Are Invading The Digital Nomad Community And Turning It Into A Safe Space
Feminists, inclusionists, and Marxists have flooded the mainstream digital nomad sphere. Since I found remarkable competence among digital nomads, it’s been a personal pain for years to observe liberal influencers… read more
12 Ways Leftism Embraces Weakness, Disease, Victimhood, And General Mediocrity
Leftism is not an ideology that works towards achieving ‘300 Spartans’ style six-pack abdominal muscles. Nor is it an ideology that finds having sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia something to… read more
Time Magazine’s Four Most Stupid And Insulting Covers
Saying that the MSM is biased is about like saying that water is wet. Time Magazine is a repeat offender, constantly insulting the public with their propaganda. Meltdown Hillary still… read more
Top 24 Country Songs From The Genre’s Five Best Singers
Many modern Americans do not listen to country music, for some reason or another. They listen to a whole lot of other modern music garbage but claim that country music… read more
Top 10 Manliest Movies of All-Time
The 2017 summer movie slate might just be the least testosterone-addled in cinema history. Between the faux female-empowerment of Wonder Woman and Atomic Blonde, the enforced multiculturalism of The Fate… read more
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