City Of Oakland Pays $1 Million To Teen Prostitute Instead Of Putting Her In Jail
In another example of the Pussy Pass in action, teenager Jasmine Abuslin, who turned tricks under the name Celeste Guap, was awarded $989,000 in a massive taxpayer bailout this week. The… read more
Cars 3 Is The Latest Movie To Brainwash Young Boys Into Being Subservient To Females
While I might be a little old to be seeing movies like Cars 3, there is something nostalgic about them. So while I’ve outgrown them as far as age, I’ve still… read more
3 Signs A Rape Accusation Is False
Despite what the media would lead you to believe, it’s an open secret here in the sphere that all public rape allegations are false. Women who publicly accuse men of… read more
10 Words The Left Have Forever Ruined
As the cultural war rages on, the hypocritical left have managed to remain consistent on one thing: overusing their grab bag of buzzwords to the point these words have no… read more
The John Wick Film Series Is A Modern Magnum Opus Of Red Pill Cinema
A big hit in theatres recently, John Wick Chapter 2 continues the story of John Wick’s artistic world of assassins, underground organizations, and deliciously action packed plot line. While most… read more
Megyn Kelly’s Career Is Finished
Megyn Kelly has lost all relevancy. Remember her first show debut on NBC? Well, neither did anyone else. She committed career suicide by hosting disastrous interviews with Vladimir Putin and Alex… read more
The Truth About Moral Relativism
“Openness, as currently conceived, is a way of making surrender to whatever is most powerful, or worship of vulgar success, seem principled.” – Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American… read more
5 Ways You Can Revolt Against The Modern World
Italian philosopher Julius Evola wrote a book in 1934 entitled, Revolt Against The Modern World. The book is prophetic in that Evola was able to accurately diagnose the ills of… read more
The Life And Times Of Futurist Thinker Jacque Fresco
Praise and glory is given to the advances in technology with many academics worshiping the field as though it were a god in itself. There is however, the flip side… read more
Facebook Added A Homosexual “Like” Button To The Glee Of Virtue Signalers
Facebook has rolled out a bunch of new things to help people celebrate Gay Pride Month this June. The most degenerate addition is a “pride reaction” which adds a little… read more
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