British Men Are Finished
Before I begin, I want to say that what I am about to write is in no way intended to be malicious. I was born and raised in the UK… read more
Youtuber PewDiePie Has Red Pilled More People Than Anyone Else In The World
A website such as Return of Kings has reached a quite impressive following and as a part of the greater manosphere, perhaps even affecting the presidential election. If one takes… read more
The Argument For Adopting Leftist Tactics To Defeat The Left
On Friday, the 16th of June 2017, in New York City, Laura Loomer of The Rebel Media raided the stage of the controversial quasi-Trump-killing ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ recreation of… read more
6 Examples Of How Disney Is Brainwashing Young Girls To Be Feminist Slaves
In 1937, the Walt Disney Studios released its first fully animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and pioneered a new form of family entertainment. Disney didn’t have a… read more
Montreal Celebrates 8-Year-Old Drag Queen And The Perverted Sexualization Of Boys
Montreal, the Canadian city that desperately tried to intimidate, assault, and perhaps even kill Roosh, has a new “hero”: an eight-year-old “drag queen” going by the name “Lactatia” (real name… read more
The Documentary “Hot Girls Wanted” Shows The Destructiveness Of Porn
I recently watched Hot Girls Wanted, a documentary about how easily girls are recruited into porn, mostly from the Midwestern parts of the United States. The fact that there is… read more
America Has Become So Spirtually Dead That More People Than Ever Are Killing Themselves With Drugs
You know you’re living in a suicidal culture when more Americans now die annually from drug overdoses than died during the entirety of the Vietnam War. What’s more, another grim… read more
5 Ways The Left Lies To You
As nearly everyone who is red-pilled knows, SJWs, progressives, and leftists in general are all too often liars and twisters of the truth. Indeed, the Left not only thrives on… read more
Canadian Government Passes Law That Defines “Abuse” As Not Encouraging A Child’s Transsexualism
The Canadian province of Ontario, which includes around 40% of Canada’s population, and includes the capital city of Ottawa and Toronto, ground zero for slutwalks and feminism, has now passed a… read more
Bill Maher Is Being Attacked By The Deranged Leftist Cult He Helped Create
For those of you who somehow missed it, on the June 2, 2017, edition of Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host dropped the dreaded “n-word” during an interview… read more
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