Why The Manchester Terrorist Attack Will Change Nothing
I did a video discussing the recent terrorist attack in Manchester, UK… Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe button to see new clips before I drop them on… read more
Journalists Ask Stupid Questions To Push Their Narrative And Conceal The Truth
The other day, I was going about my business in the gym when I heard something on the TV that stuck in my ears like a sharp knife: I heard… read more
3 More Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar
The following explores three films challenging the leftist narrative, deliberately or otherwise. District 9 Vikus, after exposure to bug juice The premise: A flying saucer hovers over Johannesburg in 1982…. read more
Why China Is Winning The Game Of Civilization
While the West is on its death throes, China is growing ever more ascendant. What factors allow China to be resistant to the leftist degeneracy and third-world immigration that the… read more
How To Save Western Civilization
I’ve had a front-row seat in the culture war for over a decade, but I haven’t made any big policy declarations like other movements. Men’s rights activists their “family law… read more
How Our Current Society Functions Like A Panopticon Prison
Have you ever wondered how much you control yourself due to the risk that others might monitor you? That you almost feel like a ”free prisoner” in the sense that… read more
Why The Globalist Establishment Is Doomed To Fail
It’s easy to get despondent over the current political situation. The progressive, globalist elites appear to be firmly entrenched in their positions of power. Even the election of Trump hasn’t… read more
Why Leftists Tend To Have Offensive Body Odor
We’ve analyzed leftist ideology nine ways from Sunday here, trying to figure out why they’re so consistently wrong most of the time, and more importantly how we can stop them… read more
I Made A German Man Cry Because I Criticized Globalism And Muslim Refugees
Recently, for the first time in my life, I made a man cry. It was a baffling and odd experience that happened in the basement of a bar, with an acquaintance… read more
Why White People Are Dying Off
White people are declining around the world. They’re watching their nations demographically transform before their very eyes and their political power evaporate. More white people are now dying than being… read more
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