How Modern Feminists Are Not That Different From Michael Jackson
I’ll go out on a limb and say most feminists aren’t that bad. This means the Blue Pill types who believe it’s only about fairness and equality. They simply need… read more
White Liberals Love Getting Robbed By Black Men
As the proverb goes, a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged, but now we’re seeing liberals using their mugging as an opportunity to preach for social justice. Not long… read more
Billions Of Egos Dance For Your Attention
I wake up every day around noon. Instead of leaving bed, like many normal people have to do, I grab a book and lay under the covers. I read twenty… read more
How The Legacy Media Polices Speech From Within
The recent dismissal of Bill O’Reilly from Fox News confirms that no man has a secure job in the media—especially if they don’t conform to leftist ideology. The fact that… read more
Why The 2007 Remake Of Beowulf Was A Powerful Slap To The Ideals Of Liberal Hollywood
In 2007, leftist Hollywood, through some miraculous oversight, released an epic fantasy film naturally presenting traditional gender dynamics and demonstrating the heroism, responsibility, and downfall of masculine men. More than half the film’s scenes… read more
Feminism Is Still Here Because Men Are Allowing It To Survive
In our day and age, there exists one very important red-pill truth which most people sub-consciously accept but which is unmentionable in polite society: namely, that women, ultimately, are entirely… read more
The Digitization Of Classic Books May Lead To A Dangerous Form Of Censorship
In most situations it is not technology itself that is the problem, but rather how that technology is used. Motivations and objectives of the users matter far more than the… read more
There Are Only Two Sexes: Male And Female
The biological principle of sexual dimorphism means that there are two differing forms for males and females. This is a characteristic of advanced species, including humans. It’s a lot more… read more
Wikipedia Is A Dire Warning Of What Happens When You Let Social Justice Freaks Take Over
Since I first began editing Wikipedia in 2004, I’ve observed its devolution (paralleling that of RationalWiki) from a rapidly-growing collaboration run by slightly left-of-center secular humanists, who at least attempted… read more
How The Perception Of Disgust Is Manipulated Over Time To Break The Human Spirit
Psychology matters. Just like politics, if you don’t care about it, someone else will take it over for you. Having at least some basic wisdom about how our own minds… read more
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