The Next James Bond Is Rumored To Be Black
That’s it. One more symbol soon defiled, just a few to go. After attacking numerous European figures in film and series, twisting the history of the Ancient Greeks, Romans and… read more
Why Is Donald Trump Allowing Melania To Cuck Him In Public?
Ever since the “Locker room talk” incident involving president Trump and Billy Bush, it seems he hasn’t received as much support as he normally would have from his wife. It’s… read more
Can The Hijab Save Women?
If a right-winger was to convey to another right-winger that the hijab may be the unseen force of balance to preserve the West from faltering into total degenerate decay, what… read more
Why American Education Sucks
Seeing as about a month ago I wrote an article on the decline of fitness training as an organized discipline, and possible ways to redeem it, I started thinking about… read more
White Male Professors In The UK Will Be Assigned Younger Black Women As Handlers
Via The Telegraph Male, pale and stale university professors are to be given “reverse mentors” to teach them about unconscious bias, under a new Government funded scheme. Under the project,… read more
Wikipedia Editors Have Declared Spokane Washington As Too White
As the United States is soon to reach a key milestone of being less than 60% non-Hispanic White due to rampant non-white immigration, tanking fertility levels, and increasing amounts of… read more
8 Reasons The Rise In Feminism Can Be Traced To The Failures Of University Education
The rapid rise of extreme feminism can be observed in many countries—most visibly in the UK/Australia and the US. But why is it that women have turned to hate against… read more
4 Masculine Films That Are Free Of Liberal Propaganda
The West has become a very feminine society. That is an obvious statement to any person paying attention and can see with eyes unclouded by hate. America, in particular, has… read more
The New York Times Wants To Make New Hampshire Less White
Recently, the New York Times came out with an article discussing the idea of diversifying New Hampshire, and also floated the same idea for Vermont and Maine, due to their… read more
4 Children’s Films With Subliminal Adult Messages That Affected How You See The World
Recently, I had a good chat with a comrade about our childhood films. Now, I’m not familiar with what children have for entertainment these days, but I can speak on… read more
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