How The Song “Scars To Your Beautiful” Fuels Our Culture Of Entitlement
A song rampant on the radio recently caught my ear for its troubling thematics. Its lyrics perfectly encapsulate the mindset of today’s Me Culture of Entitlement. The pop number currently clogs… read more
The Expectations Of Modern Women Have Lost Touch With Reality And Common Decency
I remember my first girlfriend, but not so fondly. I dated her when I was 18 and 19 years old. She was the classic “LA girl”—whiny attitude, demanding, and overall… read more
In A Broken America, Only The Dishonorable Are Rewarded
John Edwards, the disgraced, slack-jawed lawyer turned Senator was fond of telling his populist “Two Americas” story before his life imploded with – you guessed it – another classically Anglo-American… read more
8 Cultural Practices That Men Must Restore
With our society turning men into domesticated economic units, and with new technological gadgets turning us more and more into mere subjects who respond to machines rather than control them,… read more
How Your City Is Killing You With Ugliness
The modern world attempts to shun beauty. Pause and think for a moment of something (not someone) beautiful. Chances are you were thinking of something old. Perhaps the Grand Canyon,… read more
5 Myths In America That Cry Out For Realtalk
The more wisdom a thinking man gleans as he walks through this cosmic joke known as life, he begins to see lies everywhere. Lies and myths designed to make men… read more
Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A-Changin’” Is Our Song Now
The music industry, alongside the movie industry, has been at the forefront of leftist causes, promoting their agenda through the pop stars of the day. This included Bob Dylan, who… read more
Antifa Gets Destroyed By Right Wing Safety Squads In Berkeley
On Saturday in Berkeley, California there was an alt-lite gathering that was counter-protested by antifag communists. Supporters on the right showed up in armor and proceeded to beat up the… read more
What It’s Like To Be A College Student In 2017
As the readers of ROK know, this country is sick. It’s a sickness that exhibits symptoms such as feminism, with its destruction of healthy gender roles, feigned racism, which gives people… read more
9 Things That Geek Feminism Ruined
From comics, movies, anime, gaming, and now the more recent kids shows, feminists will use any kind of tactic to promote their evil. Stories like Rapunzel or The Sleeping Beauty… read more
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