4 Powerful Quotes From The Professor Who Stood Up Against Deranged Leftists
There’s a man by the name of Jordan B. Peterson who everyone here should know of. He is currently a professor at the University of Toronto, one of the most… read more
The Death Of Western Culture
A healthy culture allows people to create families, pursue prosperity, and experience fulfillment. A culture that is in the process of collapsing promotes sterility, hedonism, materialism, degeneracy, and mental insanity…. read more
The Evolution Of Policing Makes Modern Cities Look Like They’re Under Military Occupation
The British Special Air Service, or SAS, the nation’s elite military corps, founded in 1941 as a crack commando unit to fight the Nazis, has been permanently deployed to the streets of… read more
Softcore Pornography Has Become Completely Normalized In Western Society
It’s no secret that pornography has severe consequences when consumed in excess. Now however, it has cleverly infiltrated the world, popping up its ugly head where it doesn’t belong. It’s… read more
Why SJWs Will Never Get The World They Want
What does Social Justice, as it’s construed today, have to do with an ancient Greek myth? As it happens, everything. In the words of Diodorus of Sicily: [Theseus] put to… read more
4 Items On The Elite’s Population Control Wish List
As the designs of the New World Order become less fuzzy and come into focus with time, a frightening and uttterly anti-human array of agenda items appear. Those who wish… read more
When Will Women And Gay Men Apologize For All The Anorexic Fashion Models?
Even when women and gay men run the show, any bad things happening to other women is the fault of straight men reinforcing the patriarchy. In perhaps no arena is this… read more
4 Important Lessons For American Women From Pai Mei
He hates Caucasians, despises Americans, and has nothing but contempt for women. – Bill I am master Pai Mei. You might remember me from the Quentin Tarantino double film “Kill… read more
The Problem Of False Rape Accusations Is Not Going Away
Once again, a young man with perfect credentials for opportunistic women stands accused of rape. Urbane, expensively educated, and probably a little too trusting of the world beyond the milieu of… read more
How Privileged Urban Liberals Profit From Poverty
Remember the 90’s media icon Mother Teresa? I was young when she still enjoyed a wide media coverage, and still I can remember a shrewd saying on her career: “She… read more
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