How Anime Is Programming Men To Be Weak And Submissive
Last year, I decided to stay over at an old friend’s apartment, who had been my roommate back in college. A couple of weeks of residing there, every time I… read more
9 Cultural Elements To Consider Before Travelling Or Moving To Russia
The more degenerate Europe and the Anglosphere get, the more Russia pops up in conversations around Western men, as a possible destination for a long term stay. Writing those lines… read more
7 More Misleading Leftist Concepts That Pretend To Be Positive But Are Not
Years ago, when I struggled to get rid of my own leftist conditioning—such as automatically considering “equality” as good and such-and-such-“isms” as bad—I noticed a rather peculiar phenomena: every time… read more
4 Ways That Western Women Are Ruining Themselves
Women are the foundation of any successful civilization because culture passes from mother to child. But in the name of “liberation,” Western women have adopted a number of traits that… read more
Feminism Is Literally Killing Women By Telling Them That 3rd World Countries Are Safer Than The West
The night before she died, Danielle had met some British tourists at Palolem. One of them, Dave Woodruff, 37, said she was ‘free-spirited’ and ‘really interesting’ but that a group… read more
20 Reasons Why Modern Women Are So Unstable And Miserable
By all measures that feminists like to tout, Western women today have more rights, more freedom, more choices, and more privilege than any other time in human history. Considering how… read more
Anti-Fascist Mob Attacks Professor At Predominately White Middlebury College
Charles Murray, author of the 1994 book The Bell Curve, which analyzes IQ distributions among different subgroups of humans, and through various cultures, was met by a violent mob when… read more
BBW Meghan Trainor’s New Song “No” Shames Men For Talking To Women
The infamous Meghan Trainor, known for her feminist-inspired lyrics (“All About That Bass”, “Lips Are Moving” and “Dear Future Husband” to name a few) has struck again with another song… read more
Is The Black Nationalist “Hotep” Movement An Ally In The War Against Globalist Elites?
Over the past several months on Twitter I started to notice tweets from black men that echoed many of the idea you will find in the manosphere. I quickly noticed… read more
Why Modern Men Need To Develop A Passion For Living
I see them every time I go out. Men who look as though they’ve been defeated by life and who are just going through the motions. This is the case for… read more
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