How To Use The “Agree And Amplify” Tactic To Combat Degenerate Leftists
Let’s be honest: it is a fact that Western leftists, progressives, and SJWs harbor a particular hatred towards orthodox Christian believers as well as other traditionalists. Furthermore, such leftists consider… read more
The Hidden Agenda Behind Interracial Pornography
With so much winning for the anti-globalists and patriots lately, it is easy to observe delicious amounts of salt on social media. Add to that the riots in Charlotte, Baltimore,… read more
Emma Watson’s Boobs Show How Modern Feminism Is Lost
“Men, I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue, too.” – Emma Watson, 20 September 2014—HeForShe Campaign, United Nations Headquarters Well, Emma… read more
The 4 Most Feminist Songs Of All Time Were Written By Men
Feminists may claim to be strong and independent, but the “girl power” songs they have used for years are mostly or exclusively written by male musicians and songwriters. In most cases,… read more
The Underreported Epidemic Of Firefighter Suicide
Every now and then you come across a story that cries out for more recognition. I recently had that feeling when I began to read more about the epidemic of… read more
The Decline Of National Public Radio (NPR)
Over the Christmas holidays I turned on my radio, and NPR was playing a story about a mother who was on a quest to let her young toddler become a… read more
5 Ugly Framing Tactics Leftists Use To Insult Dissenters
Against the liberal propensity to push leftwards constantly, conservatives have spent decades emphasizing common sense and “values.” They derided liberal intellectuals for fetishizing language, thus losing track of seemingly evident… read more
6 Types Of People Who Deserve The Cucking Stool
Dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries, “cucking stools” were specially made chairs used to punish disorderly women and dishonest tradesmen in medieval Britain. Large crowds would gather to… read more
The Rising Epidemic Of Men Falsely Claiming To Be Military Veterans
Return Of Kings has more than a few veterans among its readership. Many of you are probably familiar with the crime that is a cardinal sin among anyone who actually… read more
Trump Rolls Back Obama-Era “Trannies In The Bathroom” Madness
This past week, the Trump administration rolled back an Obama-era federal order at schools that directed them to allow transgender students to use whatever bathroom they pleased; the so-called “Trannies… read more
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