Trump Derangement Syndrome Hits The Oscars
I try to watch the Oscars every year because it is a good bellwether of what the globalist elites want Americans to think. In past years the Oscars have pushed… read more
Who Determines What Will Be “Forgotten” On The Internet?
Readers may have heard of the strange, tragic story of a thirty-one year old Italian woman named Tiziana Cantone. According to media reports, she made sex videos with a current… read more
5 Examples Of CNN’s “Fake News”
Recently there’s been a lot of talk about whether or not the media has our best interests at heart, and with more and more men awakening from the feminist matrix,… read more
The Takedown Of Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos, outrageous Trump supporter and free speech advocate, resigned from his putative job as technology editor for online news site Breitbart, after a flood of suspiciously timed attacks. What’s… read more
10 Potential Attacks That Can Defeat Cultural Marxism In Academia
In a seminal article on the freudo-Marxian origins of current leftist cultural hegemony, paleoconservative William S. Lind asked how we could answer it. He put forth two strategies: either we… read more
6 Things White Males Should Be Proud Of
Attention heterosexual white males! Are you tired of being endlessly browbeaten and derided by universities, human resources, CNN, MSNBC, Buzzfeed, Everyday Feminism, MIC, Alternet, and Huffington Shitpost among countless other… read more
How Girl Power Is Ruining Western Culture
Girl Power is ubiquitous. Whenever you watch a commercial, go to see a movie, or enjoy your favorite sitcom, you’ll almost certainly be exposed to some form of a Girl… read more
Immigrants Who Skipped Work To Support Immigration Became Upset When Subsequently Fired
In a move of solidarity, the left (those of them with employment, that is) decided to not work last Thursday in something called “A Day Without Immigrants.” Purportedly to make… read more
The Milo Yiannopoulos Scandal Is A Coordinated Hit Job Against An Establishment Dissident (UPDATED)
Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos is having a bad week after his older comments were construed as being “pro-pedophilia.” I share how what’s happening to him is nearly identical to the… read more
Do Girls Who Wear Chokers Want To Be Treated Like Dogs?
I analyze the symbolism of girls wearing tight things around their necks… Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe button to see new clips before I drop them on… read more
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