Why Chuck Norris Is Worthy Of Praise Rather Than Parody
Chuck Norris is worthy of every man’s respect. But you wouldn’t know that watching any mainstream media today. These days, he is more an object of playful sneering at best… read more
How Our Feminized School System Is Crippling Young Boys
When I was around the age of 16, I had somewhat of a rebellious streak—perhaps it was my raging testosterone levels, or perhaps it was my righteous dissatisfaction with our… read more
Make Fertility Great Again
Should old ladies be having children outside of divine assistance? Former director of London’s Serpentine Galleries, Dame Julia Peyton-Jones, has become a mother via surrogacy, aged 64, prompting the country… read more
Shia Labeouf’s Butthurt Liberal “Performance” Gets Ruined By Shitlords
Following Trump’s election and the biggest meltdown in Hollywood since Moloch’s yearly mass was replaced by the Academy awards, hirsute clown and Hollywood simpleton Shia Labeouf tried to heal his… read more
4 Words To Start Fighting The Left’s Orwellian Rhetoric
Words have tremendous power, especially when it comes to the political landscape. Buzz words are thrown around, opponents are labeled as following a certain ideology, and the second that someone thinks you’re… read more
Why You Should Not Be Afraid Of Selective Prejudice
Over breakfast, my son laid out his plan to kill the Russians. We should tunnel under their country and blow them up. Why does a five-year-old already hate Russians? It is… read more
The Movie “Passengers” Pissed Off Feminists Despite Coming Up Short On Red Pills
Having recently watched Passengers I have to agree with the reviews, its simply not the best movie. Passengers is a film that almost – almost deals with some very fundamental ideas about humans, sex… read more
Our Modern Marxist World: How A Cult May Have Shaped The Fate Of Western Civilization
The following article was sponsored by the editor at Expandourmind We saw in Part I how the Marxists arranged a historical process according to Plato which supposedly leads to their… read more
Action Films Are As Cucked As Hollywood Itself
I’m not a moralist when it comes to simulated violence—it doesn’t bother me. Also, the action doesn’t need to be “realistic” for me to enjoy it. It really depends on… read more
10 Feminist Fantasies That Could Become A Reality In The Near Future
Around 2013 when I first discovered the manosphere, I knew things were bad in our society in terms of sex relations along with the corroding effects of feminism. But at… read more
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