How Legalized Prostitution In America Will Empower Men And Redefine Feminism
As of January 1st, 2017, another controversial, prostitution-friendly law took effect within the friendly confines of the liberal State of California. And this largely under-the-radar piece of legislation came on… read more
How The Media Lies Through Omission And Distortion
Much as Frederic Bastiat details economics as the study of the seen and the unseen, news in America can be described as the study of the told and the untold. While… read more
The 5 Pillars Of Manhood
Much has been discussed about what a man should be like, what a man should do etc. However, as I lurked through ROK, I found myself wondering: what makes an… read more
Stop Worshipping Women On The Internet
Modern men have unwittingly joined a pagan cult. This cult has no buildings and no formal hierarchy yet it is leading men to embrace degeneracy, encouraging girls to become sluts,… read more
Arizona Lawmaker Attempts To Starve Social Justice On College Campuses
Arizona Representative Bob Thorpe (Republican, District 6), has recently introduced an amendment to existing Arizona legislation that would impose crippling financial sanctions on any Arizona college or university that offers… read more
New Fox Series Promotes Infanticide As Abortion While Shilling For Planned Parenthood
Fox’s new series The Mick is pushing some old leftist ideology. The Mick just debuted as a so-called “comedy” that’s garnering mixed reviews, but it’s promotion of infanticide in one of the… read more
How Book Publishing Got Cucked
Before I decided to take the leap in to self-publishing, I tried to get my novel published by one of the Big Four only to receive a slew of rejection… read more
The Sociopolitical Implications Of r/K Selection Theory
A while back, I came across a thought-provoking article about r/K selection theory. The basic idea is that r-selected species are adapted for environments with unlimited resources, while K-selected species… read more
Single Motherhood Causes More Sexual Violence Than A Mythical “Rape Culture”
In 2017, mothers are often venerated as faultless parents, irrespective of the way many of them screw up their kids’ lives. Yet they are only held responsible for the positive… read more
4 Ways Immigration Changed My Native Community
I recently visited my family for Christmas. Apart from the joy of seeing them, going back to France is not something I look forward to anymore, since the veil of media… read more
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