Today’s Youth Are Being Encouraged To Become Transsexual
Not long ago, I was with a small, private gathering for one of my social circles. It’s a predominantly left-leaning crowd. The conversation turned to some of the new goofy… read more
Has Game Of Thrones Lost Its Magic?
It’s fair to say that the sixth season of Game Of Thrones has been divisive. Some fans have been enthusiastic about it, and it continues grip millions. However, there has… read more
Our Modern Marxist World – Mind Control Based On Ancient Wisdom, Dialectics And Machiavelli
The following article was sponsored by the editor at Expandourmind Background This series of articles will present the challenges facing modern people and some hidden historic reasons for them. In… read more
California Law SB-1322 Greenlights Child Prostitution, Criminalizes Being Poor
Much has been made very recently, in the mainstream media and the alternative media, regarding the notion that California’s new law, Senate Bill No. 1322, makes child prostitution theoretically legal… read more
4 Moments Of Shock Upon Returning To America
I told myself it wouldn’t happen. That I wouldn’t return to America after being abroad for nine months and be culture shocked in my home country. I said that I… read more
Westworld’s Dark Secret Is That It’s About Western Civilization
SPOILER ALERT! Westworld poses the big questions of Western philosophy regarding free will, consciousness and the self. Set in a future Wild-West theme park, visitors can do whatever they want… read more
7 Core Principles To Help Reinvigorate Western Culture
In the last five years or so, a number of distinguished scholars, such as the famous Scottish Harvard historian Niall Ferguson and the less well-known Canadian sociologist Ricardo Duchesne, have… read more
4 Ways National Geographic Is Furthering A Degenerate Leftist Narrative
The new Current Year is just around the corner and seeing that their tricks used to achieve global mind domination amounted to a resounding fiasco (with elements such as the… read more
The True Meaning Of Diversity Is Discrimination
Diversity is a buzz word we keep hearing more and more, especially in the workplace. On the surface the concept appears warm and fuzzy, conjuring up images of all colours,… read more
John Lennon’s “Imagine” Programmed You To Accept The Globalism Nightmare
I recently stopped to listen to a street busker singing cover songs. One of those songs was Imagine by John Lennon. As the crowd around me happily sung along, I… read more
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