Women Are Now Using Social Networking Platforms Like Instagram To Declare Themselves “Goddesses”
Women have been the gatekeepers of sex and relationships since the dawn of recorded history, and for that matter, probably all of history in general. Any caveman or Mammoth hunter… read more
What 50 Years Of The Birth Control Pill Have Done To Society
On July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI published his seventh and final encyclical titled Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life), subtitled On the Regulation of Birth. It addressed the question of… read more
3 Things I Learned About Modern Women From Watching ‘Sex And The City’
I had a lazy week last week. It’s winter where I live, and I had a pretty bad flu. For the first time in a long time, I watched TV. Two… read more
Female “Changes” Her Sex To Male—Then Gets Accused Of Male Privilege
Via The Blaze: Zander Keig “was an outspoken radical feminist” prior to transitioning into a male and “spoke up often, loudly and with confidence,” the Washington Post reported. Then Keig made the transition… read more
Girls Just Want To Have Fun
A lot of men like to believe that the promiscuous or degenerate impulses of women today had to be programmed into them, but most of those impulses were there all… read more
Black Doctoral Student Suspended By SJW University Tribunal For Asking White Woman On A Date
Via The Daily Wire: An African-American graduate student at the University of Missouri was suspended after asking a white woman on a date. He had been previously accused of sexual… read more
The West Has Lost Its Vital Energy
Back then when our forefathers still chased deer in the woods, when they wrestled invaders in the mountains and threw their spears at ferocious beasts, they did it with fury… read more
Don’t Believe The Historical Revisionism That Hollywood Inserts Into World War II Movies
The United States has a timeless love affair with World War II which is unlikely to subside, even as nearly all veterans of the conflict (whether soldier or civilian) pass… read more
Societies That Don’t Have A Stable Middle Class Become Matriarchies
I wrote an article about enforced monogamy where I discussed how the responsibility of marriage, rather than just consistent access to sex, keeps men law abiding (if it was just about… read more
Rick And Morty Is Targeted For Beta Males Who Crave Alpha Male Fathers
Dan Harmon, a co-creator of the very successful adult cartoon Rick and Morty, is in some heat lately because of a tasteless comedic sketch he filmed some time ago. It’s… read more
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