Rogue One Shows That Hollywood Is Listening To Our Complaints About Feminism In Films
Trigger warning for way too sensitive SJW souls: this review contains spoilers. Earlier this year, I wrote that the spinoff film Rogue One demonstrated Star Wars owner Disney’s hatred of… read more
5 Signs Of The West’s Forthcoming Dark Age
When people are asked what the future will be like, they often respond with descriptions of shimmering mile-high skyscrapers, flying cars, and sentient robots. People almost always envision a future… read more
7 Ways “The Walking Dead” Hates Straight White Males
“The Walking Dead” has perhaps been the most popular television show around the world for most of the 2010’s. Within the United States, its TV ratings often fall below only… read more
The Current Year Is When The Tide Began To Turn
As we approach the end of the year, we will all be subjected to lame retrospectives filled with trivia that nobody cares about. But 2016 is a significant year because it… read more
Is Forced Monogamy Causing The Emasculation Of Men In Western Societies?
The following article was sponsored by K.A. Peoples I’ve noticed in most non-Western countries the majority of the men are unapologetically masculine. Most of these men were taught by their… read more
Why Major Metropolitan Cities Are Hell For Dating
After spending my entire year on the road, there was one question I was absolutely sick of by the end of it. “Why did you leave America? It’s supposed to be… read more
Why Quentin Tarantino Is One Of Hollywood’s Biggest Cucks
You’ve probably seen at least one of his movies. You might’ve even quoted some of the lines from those movies. You’ve definitely heard of him. Quentin Tarantino: “QT”, Hollywood “Bad… read more
An Ode To The Millennial Generation
Generations are typically defined as those born during a certain time span and usually sharing certain common experiences, values, and aspirations. Historically, generations have been binned into 18 year intervals:… read more
5 Ways To Profit Bigly From Miserable, Childless, And Career-Obsessed Feminists
The feminist-oriented economy is booming and companies to invest in abound. Why not take advantage of it? If you don’t, someone else will. And when the inevitable stock price increases… read more
What If Everything They Told You Is A Lie?
What to eat, what medicines to take, what scientific theories to believe in, what to think of men and women, what to think of the races, what to think of… read more
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