Christian Doctor Fired In UK For Saying There Are Only Two Genders, Ending His 26-Year Career
Via News.com.au: A UK doctor who was sacked for refusing to refer to transgender people by their preferred gender pronoun says there is a “climate of fear” in his profession… read more
How To Be More Courteous To The Right People
Chivalric courtesy was the one most important factor in creating and maintaining the strong patriarchal order of Western Civilization that its wise men today are so nostalgic of. How is… read more
I Hate Living In Toronto
When everything you have ever been told is a lie, everything you say will likely be a lie. I feel as though every time I interact with the outside world,… read more
How Consumerism Transformed Society And Became The Only Purpose Of Human Existence
In times long past, most people lived in small farming communities. Everyone knew their neighbors, breathed clean air, ate food we’d call organic today (that’s all there was back then),… read more
Tekashi 69 Shows How Clownish The Rap World Has Become
Clown World is not without a King. His name is Daniel Hernandez, aka Tekashi 69. As a rapper with rainbow hair, absurd facial tattoos, and history of underage sex crimes,… read more
Australian Government Launches “Code Word” Program To Protect Fragile Women From Bad Dates
Via News.com.au: Women who fear they might fall victim to sexual assaults and unwanted propositions have been given a new weapon to defend themselves while on a night out. From… read more
5 Classical Composers You Should Listen To
True classical music has remained nearly uncorrupted by modern influence. It is a favorite of many individuals I have known in traditionalist circles, thanks in part to its healthy blend… read more
5 Phases Of Civilizational Decay
How do healthy countries become so pozzed-out that they collapse? This happens one step at a time. The rise of great nations What characterizes countries at peak health? In historical… read more
Why Do Liberals Care More About Other People’s Children Than Their Own?
By far the most bewildering feature of the liberal worldview is their denial that they have any responsibility towards the generations of the future. Liberals have a very low penchant… read more
Iranian Thot Patrol: Instagram Skank Rightfully Gets Jail Time For Subversion
A story going viral throughout social media over the weekend involves ‘oppression’ against women in Iran. A recent case of a dancing attention whore on social media being arrested for… read more
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