Daily Mail
The Daily Mail sees the irony.
I’ve written a fair amount about the similarity between Traditional Conservatives and Feminists. However, one defining characteristic of the Trad Con is their stone cold humorlessness when it comes to… read more
All men’s fault
The Daily Mail has a new piece titled The women who haven’t had sex for more than a decade: What it’s like to be celibate and why it’s all men’s… read more
The problem isn’t knowledge, but attitude.
In the discussion of a recent post, Dragonfly asked what things a young woman can do to be more attractive to potential husbands: …from a man’s point of view, what… read more
Someone should have warned them.
The Daily Mail has a heart rending story* about some recent immigrants to the UK who ended up in prison because they didn’t fully understand the local laws and customs. … read more
Rabble rousers
The Daily Mail has a new article by Peter Lloyd plugging his book Stand by Your Manhood, and also referencing Dr. Helen’s Men on Strike. Why men refuse to marry:… read more
Hiring as courtship.
Several years ago Captain Capitalism first made the observation that many women in HR act more like they are looking for a boyfriend than looking for professional talent. The Daily Mail has… read more
50 SoG movie panned as too tame.
The Daily Mail has a funny article bemoaning the 50 Shades of Grey movie as too tame. Fifty Shades Of Grey is deemed so tame in France, children as young… read more
The benefits of a trip or two through the meat grinder.
From Yahoo Australia: Kate Winslet: ‘Divorce has been good for my kids’ The 39-year-old Oscar-winning actress says her two divorces have helped teach her children how to “struggle”. “I think… read more
How to become woman of the year.
Marry the man other women wish they could marry. But rather than focus on Amal’s successful career as a human rights lawyer, the TV host said she had been given… read more
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