Daily Mail
More feminist make-believe
From the Daily Mail: Brave female Papa Johns manager tackles pair of Ferguson looters with her bare hands as they kick in windows… and quickly sends them packing Yet neither… read more
Breasts can’t be sexual if there is a baby in the picture.
Facebook has received quite a bit of criticism the last few years over their policy on pictures involving breastfeeding. I’m not a fan of either Facebook or Zuckerberg, but there… read more
Repackaging feminism as Christian wisdom.
Repackaging modern thought into a Christian and counter cultural sounding message is extremely common, and something I’m convinced conservative Christian men and women do without ever being aware of what… read more
Someone [with a penis] must do something!A commenter at the Daily Mail pointed out the absurdity of Mrs. Obama’s pouty faced tweet: Don’t give me your hastags Mrs Obama your husband… read more
Even strong independent women want to be possessed.
I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings Only ring your celly when I’m feelin’ lonely When it’s all over, please get up and leave –Beyoncé, Independent Woman… read more
Tingle detecting bra.
Courtesy of the Daily Mail, a concept bra which only unlatches when the woman feels “true love”. If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of players around the… read more
Expectations vs outcomes.
Mark Richardson of Oz Conservative explains the mindset of career women who missed their opportunity to have children in his post “We’ve assumed we can put it off indefinitely”: It’s… read more
What a masculine imperative would look like
Vox points out the feminine imperative in action in his post Regulating sex: Women desperate to become mothers are increasingly signing up for sperm donation websites where men are offering… read more
More on Liz Jones
Liz Jones is the well known columnist whom I referenced in the opening segment of my last post. I thought I’d follow up with some links. Captain Capitalism wrote a… read more
A proper dressing down for unchivalrous men.
Somewhere in the world a woman is upset! What are you as lazy men doing to fix this? Sorry for being so harsh, but you men need to hear this. … read more
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